Introduction: Who Am I? Why am I here?

2 min readJan 28, 2020

I’m new to this, no, not writing, but public blogging. I actively choose to stay away from social media. I consume content in my own way. I am precarious about the parts of myself that I want to share with the internet. I am a big fan of privacy, and even mystery. But above all things, I am a writer.

Writing is my joy, my greatest passion, it flows so easily out of me I figured I should share it. I don’t always obey “the rules,” I write with my heart, and I write with my soul. I do have “writing credentials” though (if that matters), I am college educated, and well versed in research analysis, development and application of theory. My strengths are in the social sciences, they continue to be near to my interests and intellectual pursuits.

I’m not quite sure what this will evolve into, as I am still interested in being precarious about the parts of me I choose to publish, it’s a staple to my being. However, I have been thinking about how long ago, when Tumblr first became a thing, I used to love the feel of free-range blogging. Years later, I created a blog-like space, where I put my thoughts, feelings, and interests on display. So here I am again.

I guess what you can expect from me, if you do gain an interest in my material, is conversational passion. While I can hone into my academic decorum, I believe the most powerful…




I write my thoughts, I write my heart. • Based in Los Angeles, CA.